Father, according to your word, you have given angels charge over us to guard us in all our ways. O Lord, as we close this meeting today and go back to our homes, we ask you to watch over us. In Jesus’ name, we believe and pray, Amen. Father, give us wisdom that leads to love and faith. May we be able to sift through all that we have learned so that we can walk in your ways. Help us to make wise choices throughout the week for the glory of your name.
#A closing prayer for bible study how to
Show us how to apply what we have learned in this service to our daily lives. Lord Jesus, you have made known to us the things of the Kingdom today. Father, remove any form of destruction that the enemy has set before us to steal your word from our hearts and help us to yield a hundredfold, sixty, and thirtyfold. Help us to also focus on you and your word and not the things of this world that cause us to be depressed and anxious. As we leave this church help us to continue walking in the peace that surpasses all understanding. Lord, we want to thank you because it is through your word that we have found the freedom that we’ve been yearning for all week. Many of us came with troubled hearts, but all our fears and anxieties have been washed away. Oh, Holy Lord, thank you for your faithfulness to us. Let everything we have learned bear fruit in our lives so that your light can shine upon men, and they may glorify you the true living God. Let grace and peace be upon our lives even as we depart from this place to our different destinations. Thank you for allowing us to come to this place to feed on your word. Thank you for our church and for the leaders you’ve given us.

Lord, you say where two or three are gathered in your name, you are in their midst, thank you for being with us. Our Father, we want to thank you for the gift of life. Give us discernment that we may not follow the voice of a stranger. Father, may we walk according to the word that has been preached to us today so that we can be light to the world. Jesus, our Good Shepherd, help us to listen to your voice and follow you wherever you are leading us to this week. Lord, you have been with us from the start to the end, we just want to thank you for that. Gracious Father, we have come to the end of this meeting, and we want to thank you. May we thrive in all areas this week and be firmly rooted in your love. Help us to obey everything that you have taught us through your servant. Direct our paths and give us the confidence to follow your direction. Heavenly Father, as we leave this place, guide us so that we can reach our destination safely. Be with us as we leave this place and grant us peace in our hearts. Let everything we do be in line with your word. Father, may we practice what we have been taught so that we can become like Christ and bear more fruit for the kingdom. Lord Jesus, we want to thank you for the excellent service that we have had today. Here is a look at some great closing prayers for church meetings that can be easily adapted for a variety of situations. Whether you are concluding a church service or group meeting, ending with a prayer is a great way to call on God to inspire and protect you as you leave.